The Digital Rights House initiative aims to create awareness for the need of a better foundation of our 'digital rights' in today's society, which all individuals can rely on when active online.
Through social media, loverboys can easily select their victims. They make selections based on looks, chats and friends. They make contact with their target with the aim to seduce the person by giving understanding and trust. Once seduced, the victim will be forced to sell drugs or sell their body. The entire process can take place in a single day.
In Dutch
'‘De Mooiste Chick van het Web’ is een voorlichtingsfilm over de ‘loverboy 2.0′. De film is bedoeld om jongeren voor te lichten over de risico’s van het gebruik van sociale media – die door loverboys steeds meer als werkterrein worden gebruikt. ‘De Mooiste Chick van het Web’ is online te bekijken. De film is geproduceerd in opdracht van het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.' Netwerk Mediawijsheid
We are looking for interesting stats on this subject.
>If a child is in immediate danger, you should contact local police immediately.
>People should embrace the benefits of the Internet, but also be aware of the risks. We all share responsibility to ensure our children are safe in the online world. Parents, teachers, carers and children themselves need to be aware of the dangers of the internet.
>Grooming may turn into extortion, motivated by sexual interest in which sexually explicit materials (sexual information or images) are primarily used to extort more material of that kind or sexual favours from the victim, including meeting in an offline environment. This may require more careful attention from parents, caretakers, and educators.
>Possible signs that a child might be being groomed or sexually extorted online include: excessive use of the computer, aggression around computer usage, secretive behaviours, change in the use of sexual language, unexplained gifts or cash and finding child abuse material on the computer.
The following situations may be indications of travelling child sex offending
Loverboys online is a subject in the Digital Rights Expo.
The Digital Rights House initiative aims to create awareness for the need of a better foundation of our 'digital rights' in today's society, which all individuals can rely on when active online.